Sunday 20 May 2007

WE DID IT!!!!!

It took 7 hours and we finished at 6am. Weather was perfect, the support on the streets was fantastic and I'm very proud. Photos and a fuller report will follow soon but for now I'm having a rest. :)


Anonymous said...

congratulations! Enjoy your deserve it!

Bex said...

Congratulations Christine. Way to go. I'm so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much both of you :)

Sakura said...

CONGRATULATIONS well done that is soooooooo fantastic!!! You are amazing Christine and a total proud :) Have a good rest and chat later. Massive hugs ***sakura***

SmurfPop said...

Well done - what an achievement! x

Anonymous said...

Thank you sakura and smurfpop :)

Wendy said...

My mum and I took 7 hours as well but we didn't start till 11.40. Great night if a little cold!!


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