Thursday, 3 May 2007

Decorated Bra Contest

Here it is, my first ever contest.

Take a bra, any bra, everyone’s got one lurking in the back of their underwear drawer that they never wear any more. Then decorate it any which way you wish- dye it, cover it in flowers, ribbons, sequins or whatever you can think of. Be inventive & imaginative. My last post has some inspirational links to give you some ideas.

Then upload a picture to the Flickr group that I’ve set up for the contest. The deadline for entries is June 6th. On June 7th I’ll post all the photos here and ask for votes from all you lovely readers. The entry with the most votes will win a special big box of handmade goodies from me and other talented crafters and artists. If you’d like to donate a prize please email me at bracontest(at)

Any questions? Leave me a comment! And please tell your friends about the contest, the more the merrier.

EDIT: Here are some FAQs to answer the questions I've had so far:

How many times can I enter?
It’s just one entry per person- if you make more than one bra, choose your favourite one to enter in the contest.
Can I post more than one photo of the same bra?
Yes you can. But I'll choose only one to post on the blog for voting.
Does the bra still have to be wearable?
No, but the bra should still look like a bra- i.e. don’t make it in to a purse.
Can I post my entry photo somewhere other than Flickr?
No. Please post your photo to the Flickr group only.
How do I set up a Flickr account?
Go to Click the button that says “sign up” and follow the on-screen instructions. Once you have an account, you’ll need to join the Decorated Bra Contest Group.
How do I join the Flickr group?
Go to Click on the link that says “Join this group” and follow the on-screen instructions.
How do I submit my entry photo to the group?
First you need to upload your photo to your Flickr account and you must be a member of the group. Then follow the instructions available here.

EDIT (24/5/07) PRIZES: See this post for the one of the prizes- more to be announced soon.


Anonymous said...

This sounds way too fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, the winner in me is brainstorming big time!!! xxo, V

Anonymous said...

Yay I'm excited, you're the first one to comment, hope some more people are excited by this idea too!

Anonymous said...

hello fellow craftster.... great idea. will post entry soon. but i have never used flicker photos host can you help me ? and are we limited to only one entry?

Rhi said...

haaaaaa. i love this. i'm all over it like beans on toast. and nush's comment cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

I really want to participate if I have time, but I will definitely donate a prize. I'll be in touch!

** Terramia ** said...

This is wickedly cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for the responses, jloveg- i'll send you a PM on Craftster. And yes it's just one entry per person.
Nush- lol, nothing wrong with small!
Rhi-yay, can't wait to see what you come up with.
ellyzee- oh that would be wonderful if you could donate a prize.
terramima- thank you!

Filambulle said...

Great! I was just thinking of trying to sew myself a bra. Now if my bra is not really wearable it won't matter. I will post if I find the time to finish it until may 31th. In any way, you gave me the motivation to start. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like mega fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! How risque! : ) What a cute idea! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, by the way! : )

Samsara said...

Hmm, I think I'll have a dig through my drawers and see what I have!

Little Miss River said...

i was just about to get rid of a few bras that didn't fit, now i know what i can do with them! yaaay. this is going to be such much fun!

Jay said...

What a great idea! I can't wait to see all the entries!

Amy Birch said...

This sounds so cool! I'm thinking I'll enter! :)

ellen s. said...

LOL, if it is bigger do you have a better chance of winning? i may have to go shopping then.


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