Saturday, 10 March 2007

Lots of things to show today...

Well my laptop is still poorly but luckily with Ben still away I can pinch his desktop! So, on with the photos I promised yesterday. First up, my wonderful package from Rhi of lovelyheads. Her and Flo were running a competition that I was one of the winners of and my prize is beautiful:

This gorgeous bag was accompanied by a little felt pouch full of delicious jelly beans (which got eaten very quickly!).

A close up of the beautiful heart on my new bag :)

Next up are two photos of my messy study/craft room. Beacuse I work in here as well as craft/paint, it's a complete tip! I need to tidy it up and organise all my supplies really. Maybe next weekend!

My messy craft room/study

My messy craft room/study 2

So I have been doing some creating in this chaos and made this patchwork purse based on the one in the Crafter's Companion (my new favourite craft book):

Patchwork purse

I'm going to give it to my Mum for Mother's day I think (next Sunday in the UK).

I bought a cork noticeboard last week and now have started my very own inspiration board after seeing lots on other peoples blogs:

Inspiration board

The little felt pouch at the top is the one Rhi made me. Her parcel was wrapped up with the heart trim and orange flower with the "You are beautiful" card added as well! I was a very happy girl when I opened it all yesterday.

This has turned in to a huge post so I'm going to leave you now to enjoy the rest of your weekend. x


SmurfPop said...

The stitching on that heart is simply fab! Really pretty. And my room is a tip too, but I blame the current lack of storage space :p

Anonymous said...

Hi anushka and smurfpop :) I'll have to post pictures of my study when (if) I tidy it up :) I adore my package from Rhi, I can't wait to try out my new bag she made me.
Nush- you should post a picture of your noticeboard too, sounds great.

Rhi said...

I love that gorgeous pouch! Did you ever see my quilted patch work pouches? No where near as pretty as yours I must say.

I should also own up to not making the whole tote. Heh heh. I was going too! But then found those for £ can't make that cheaper! I did embellish with the heart and keyring tho ;)

Love the inspo board. You have already inpired me! I spose my boiler acts a bit as one.

This is such a long comment! haha.


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